Monday, May 21, 2007

I am reading the Dune series right now. I find it interesting all of the different subjects that the author (Frank Herbert) hits on which includes ecology, separation of church and state, government, technology, religion, economy, dependence on oil, etc. What has really struck me is the fact that life gets ever more complicated the further society develops. We create new technology to make life easier, but it only ends up making it more complicated. We work and work and work in order to be able to have the things we want but because we are working so much we cannot enjoy those things. I wonder if we are going to come down to the realization that replacing ourselves with technology for the sake of making life easier we are cheating ourselves out life. I donno, just some random thoughts I took from this book. I thought I would rant a little to keep me awake while I was at work.

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