Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Having numerous issues with friends. Why are people so dumb? I can say that because I am one of them. I have learned a lot of the lessons life has to offer, and they were all learned the hard way and many times twice(I am a slow learner). My friends are going through the same things I did. Even me telling them that they will get burned won't change their minds. I know that I would not have listened either if I were in their shoes, because I didn't. It just kills me to watch because I know the hurt that is in store for them.

The only thing getting me through it all is God's grace. Prayer and the ear of a friend is all I have to offer now. Lets hope it is enough.

1 comment:

Buddhist, RN said...

It's hard to sit and watch. But you can only do so much. Just keep praying. I'll pray for you too! It may not look like enough, to pray, talk to someone, and listen, but it's all you can do. Sometimes lessons are better learned this way, though it's hell on those who love the person.