Monday, April 23, 2007

Lots to talk about from the weekend. Lets start with Saturday. Matt, Chris and I went to a co worker's house to help cut up a tree that had fallen in her yard. We had it done within an hour so Chris and I went out to the Delpra's for a couple hours to play paintball. I was 3/3 playing him one-on-one so we headed back to my house so I could do some homework.

We decided to go back out to the Depra's for more paintball, some hobo dinners, and a nice bonfire. Dan, Chris, and I played paintball while the food was on the fire. They were playing against me, but couldn't find me. After dusk they finally yelled for me to come in to eat. I figured they were going to ambush me once I started moving through the forest. But I assumed incorrectly.

We started with an ad lib Lord's Day celebration. We still need to get the words from someone. But Daniel Dobson, Me, Chris, Dan Delpra, and Matt had a great time. We ate all of the Hobo dinners and had a few beers and made the fire huge and just had some great fellowship.

Chris, Matt and I drove home and called Kurt to see what he was up to. We went down to Mulligan's pub to chill out with him and Missy and have a few beers. We walked back and Chris, Missy, Kurt, and I started cooking a pizza. Kurt left on his motorcycle and came back 10 minutes later screaming my name from outside. We went out to see what had happened. He was just all bloody and obviously hurting. A Dog had run out in front of him down the street and he dumped his bike trying to miss it. I rushed him to Sweeds praying over him as I drove. After MRIs and cleaning out his wounds it was 6am. A dentist had been paged to come in and temporarily cap his teeth and didn't want an audience so Chris and I left to go to Mass at 6:30 but they ended up not having it until 9am so we went back to our house to wait for Kurt to call to pick him up. They called after the dentist was done so we went and picked him up. Chris and I ended up sleeping all day Sunday and missing Mass. Long story short Kurt is one lucky guy with lots of road rash and some busted up teeth. God was looking out for him.

1 comment:

Justin said...

Wow! Praise God it wasn't worse! Hope he's handling it fine. Sounds like it was a great weekend leading up to the accident..