Sunday, November 12, 2006

Christ said "Be either hot or cold. If you are lukewarm I will spit you out of my mouth." I hope I quoted that right. But you can understand either way. If you were to see some guy harrassing a woman you would have 3 general choices. Join in(evil), do nothing(evil), or speak up and tell him to stop(good). Well suppose the guy didn't stop when you tried to intervene. Suppose he started to physically assult her, and you would have to physically assult him to get him off. Would you say, "no I shouldn't intervene." I don't think Christ would let that fly. When someone called upon Christ for help he gave them what they needed. Christ was no pacifist. I think it is a matter of giving of oneself for the sake of another completely goes against pacifism.
Pacifism sounds cowardly to me. The definition of a pacifist: "a person who believes in pacifism or is opposed to war or to violence of any kind." (found at If Christ was opposed to violence of any kind, he would have ran away from being beaten, whipped, spit on, and Death on a cross.
I don't like violence it is evil. I don't like war either. I do think that there is such a thing as justifiable reasons for going to war. In defense of those weaker than us is the biggest one on my list. Of course this is going to spark some fire and we are going to go into all this "crap" about why we went to this war that we are stuck in right now. So I will just say this. When we have a country that is so diversified, there can't be just one single reason for going to war. Freeing Iraqis from that tyrant, and ending his own miniture holocaust of his own people, creating a perminant vacancy in all of his rape rooms, and the torture of men women and children, etc. Setting up a democratic government there. Finding the terrorists and bringing them to justice. Not having to fight the war on terror in our country. There are probably many many other reasons as well.

I think that Christ's message(when partaining to the treatment of others) was to give of ourselves for the sake of others just like he did. There was more than one reason behind this though. First, as a way to spread his message to others by acting as the Body of Christ. To give of ourselves is to know him better. Second, turning the other cheek pertains you as an individual. When you "turn the other cheek", you show your attacker who Christ is.

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