Friday, November 10, 2006

I was looking at a friend's (Justin W.) blog last night In the universal search for truth.. . He was talking about how he had been following a blog from a girl who mentioned the POP months ago. I checked the link to see what it was all about and found she had an interesting opinion. Personally I thought it to be a skewview, but I tried to look at things from her perspective from what I got from her blog. I posted a comment to her entry from yesterday, but unfortunately it was ill recieved and was deleted along with her post. It was a good lesson for me in the truth of bringing lies out in the open and standing for the truth. Lies and evil in general loose thier power when they are brought out in the open and exposed for what they really are. I am not saying that she is evil or a liar though, just misguided. I posted the email that her "current boyfriend" sent to me and my reply back to him in comments from Justin's blog on her. Along with that someother interesting conversation with a nice young lady( Miss Emily ) that posted some comments on the subject as well.

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