Monday, November 20, 2006

Lots of stuff going on currently. Seems like a lot of people around me are having all kinds of problems. I can't go into detail with them(for the sake of all their privacy). I was talking to my dad about all of it and he gave me a lot of insight on "spreading oneself too thin." As a lot of people have told me, one of my "gifts" is that I love to help people whether it be with something that requires physical labor or just to listen to someone who is having a bad day. Lately though it seems that I have been going a little overboard with it. I am so happy that I can be their for everyone, but it is coming to the point where it is downright depressing.

Another revelation that I had in the past few weeks is that my "helper" attitude can actually hurt people in the long run. In a few cases I have found that helping out a buddy with money issues (buying dinner, or buying the drinks at the bar) has in a way made him comfortable with me doing that. Therefore there is not as much of a drive for him to really pursue a job as hard as he should be. This type of situation has been occuring in a lot of relationships that I have. Of course this is not going to change my attitude toward generosity, I just need to learn to be more careful when using it.

Chris moved in yesterday. His dad dropped by today to drop off some of his stuff. We got into a conversation about outdoors trips (canoeing, backpacking, etc.) He reminded me about caving. There is a place called Eagle Cave in Wisconsin that I wanna check out sometime this winter. I have not been caving since I was 10 so it should be a fun trip. Gotta call Justin W. and tell him that he is going caving with us this winter. That's right tell you Justin!! Not ask.


Justin said...

New Year's Eve?

Bom Bom said...

Let's do it. Know anyone who would like to go? It has to be a POP thing, because only Boy Scout Troops and church groups are allowed in during the winter.

Justin said...

I only have a day and a half off, so will Friday evening thru Monday afternoon be enough time? There are various possibilities of interested people here, I think we could make something happen. How about making another blog post with info about it so anyone who wants can chime in with comments/interest?

(oh, and just noticed you set your blog to not allow anonymous comments... unless you have a problem with it, i'd recommend turning that off so that anyone can comment even if they don't have a blogger account)

Justin said...

(oh yeah another comment about the blog - when you make a link to a website, make sure you type in the http:// part, otherwise the links don't work when you click on them)

Bom Bom said...

Ok I changed those settings. Yeah I think it would be a good idea to setup a blog for that trip. If i have time I will start it up tonight at work!

Justin said...

might be overkill to make a whole new blog for it, but up to you. you could just post a new entry in this one or your household one