Saturday, February 10, 2007

I had a busy day today. I got home at 7:30am and fell asleep at 8am. I woke up for a meeting with the people in my Learning Team from school to finish up a project that is due on Monday. I wasn't much of a help(I was groggy). We finished up the meeting at 12pm and I tried to go back to sleep for another hour. I woke up again at 1:45pm and drove Matt and I over to the Luther Center where we helped a coworker move her aunt's furniture to a different floor of the building. I was glad to be able to serve someone for a change, rather than serving myself.

After Matt and I were done at the Luther Center we drove over to St. Pete's to go to confession. An interesting thing was mentioned by the priest. I told him about how we were starting a christian men's household and how we were running into problems that seemed to get in the way an awful lot. The priest said that we were definitely under spiritual attack which is to be expected when people try to create good things like a men's household. We will have to discuss this during our next meeting(hopefully on Monday).

Matt I went over to CJ and Amy's for dinner. It was nice to catch up with them and get a well balanced meal in. After the meal other people from the POP started to show up for the adult meeting. I mentioned the Montana trip to some of the other people in the branch and it looks like they would be interested. woo hoo!

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