Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I have never been one of those individuals that follows what is going on in Hollywood. Whenever some starts talking about what is going on in one of the celebrities lives I often respond to them, "I don't know this person, never will, so why should I care?" Being a celebrity, wanting to be a celebrity, and following celebrity gossip seems very depressing to me. I bring all of this up because someone told me that Brittany Spears shaved her head a couple days ago. Now I remember a few years back when there were a lot of parents worried about the influence she had on their daughters. There was a lot of concern over pre-teens and teens a like dressing immodestly. I actually saw some of this going on, and thought where are these girl's parents? I looked at an article of what happened Britney Spears Back in Rehab, which also goes into the other things going on in her life. I think that now is the best time to show the pre-teen and teen girls Brittany Spears. Not for gossip, but for a warning of where bad choices can get you. Money and Celebrity cannot save you from the types of problems that everyone else deals with. This beautiful girl had what society says we should want; money, power, being "somebody", etc. And now she is in the middle of a horrible divorce(with 2 kids in the middle of it all), a shaved head, in rehab(again), and her career is over. So I think it would be a good idea to show our young people that LIFE IS REAL, even for those who we think are untouchable.


Buddhist, RN said...

Following celebrity nonsense is the mindless thing that I do when I want to chill. Like American Idol. Dumb show, but I love it.

It is depressing though, about Britney Spears. I was never a fan. Mostly because I didn't like the music. Maybe it's because of how I was raised, but I never deliberately emulated and imitated a celebrity. It's hard for me to understand when people do. The most I do is hum their songs or something.

ANYway, this is natural consequences, and I hope people realize it.

Bom Bom said...

I think that younger people get the idea that people can live this way without consequences. Unfortuanately in this situation 2 innocent kids are in the middle of it.

Buddhist, RN said...

I used to think that way too.

Then I got natural consequences from my OWN actions. Talk about learning a lesson. I hope people learn fromt his and don't have to learn it the hard way.