Friday, February 09, 2007

I was reminded about the trip to Glacier National Park this week, so I figured I should start a post about it. The only person that is positive that he can go as of today is me. We have a list of possibles Justin W., Eric J., Matt D., Sarah B., Greg W. and some of Justin's friends from South Bend. I am not sure Justin can go anymore due to getting a new job a month ago. We will have to see. I was able to pull enough strings to get out of school and work over June 29th to July 10th which was a complete miracle. If no one is able to go, I will do the trip myself, because I am not going to waste my only vacation time sitting around Rockford.

My initial plan was to split the trip up into 2 smaller trips in different parts of the park, but I have changed my mind. I would like to check out Lake Isabel. It considered a really strenuous hike. It is 30 miles total, 4000 feet of elevation gain, a mile of switchbacks, etc.

Here are a few links.

More to come later.


Justin said...

Yeah man.. it's not lookin' good. But it's mostly my fault. I committed to going to The Gambia again, with Greg this time, in mid-March.. and it will use up all my vacation time (and then some). Sorry man, I'm not holding up my end of the bargains very much. One thing that they might give me some time for even though I'll already be way over my time, is Tannadoonah. Not sure when that is yet though.

Bom Bom said...

YARR!!!! Man o man. Well I understand dude. New job(in a better place) and going to Africa to see your sister are far more imporant. No worries, there will always be pictures that you can see. haha.