Sunday, February 04, 2007

It feels like there is too much to mention right now, so I will just go down the mental list I have right now.

The household had a well needed meeting last week. The three of us determined that we are not living up to the standards we need to in relation to what we want the household to represent. We all had little peeves with each other that we were not talking about, so we finally got to get those out in the open and taken care of. One of the biggest issues that we talked about was the fact that we are not doing anything to build our friendships. Much of the time spent is in front of the TV so we all unanimously decided to get rid of the cable. The thing is, since we made the decision to get rid of the cable I have barely had time to use it or cancel it. Which brings me onto the next subject...

I have been working nights for the past 2 weeks. I can't complain too much about it, because I like it. The only part that I don't like is the lack of sleep. On days I work I tend to sleep 3 to 4 hours so on the 3rd and 4th day I work I am a zombie. I blew up at Chris and Matt this morning because the lack of sleep is making me cranky. I got out of work late this morning due to a delta result on a baby's hemogram which ended up being an analytical error on the part of whoever ran the specimen a few days ago. In layman's terms, the results I was getting today did not correspond to the results from 2 days ago. So I finally got into bed at 815AM and had just fallen asleep when my phone rings. It is Carl, and his truck is stuck in some one's driveway(I don't want to get into that story), and he wants to know if I have a chain that he can use to pull him out. YARRRRR!!!!! ERIC NEED SLEEPP!!! It is one of those situations where you really really really don't want to, but you know that it is what God wants you to do. So I got dressed and drive down to 4th st. and get to where he is and his rear wheels have dug deep into the ground where his truck is at. So I jump in and back it up an couple inches and gun it out of the divots! Thank Jesus it only took 10 minutes to get him out.

So 9:30AM I am setting my alarm for 11:30am so that I can make it to 12:30 mass so I don't miss any of the Superbowl later. Ahh...sleep... Then the alarm goes off at 11:30am and I decide that 2 hours just won't cut it. So I change it to 2pm. Then 5 minutes after this I hear the shop vac going in the living room! It is going for like 10 minutes then goes off. I fall asleep then 5 minutes later music comes on! So I get up get dressed and declare my dislike of their choice of activities with some choice words, which by the way I should probably apologize for the way I described my displeasure. So I get up later on and try to go to Mass at 5pm (after the game has already started), once again another sacrifice that I really don't want to make. I come to find out it is canceled, so I go to the party.

The major reason for loss of sleep other than work would have to be school. This Heath care organizations class started out easy, but now it getting rough at the end. I did a 17 page paper last week and have another 7 page paper and 25 slide presentation due today which I am no where near finishing. I originally picked up this MHA degree program because of all the excess time I was wasting, now I am begging for an hour to just relax. I can't even find time to run.

On the subject of running, my dad wanted to sign up for the Indy mini-marathon. I agreed that I would like to do it as well since I just started to get back into running to help me quit smoking(2 weeks, 0 cigarettes so far). I am getting to where I need to be to start training for a 5k, but have to find the time to do the training first.

How is that for an update?

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