Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Sprit of Wrath was on me today. I don't want to give the specific example of why I know this, but in a few situations I was focusing on other's faults and comparing my own life to them. Well I guess I can use this as an example because this is where it all started. For school today I was participating in a discusion over the Medicaid/Medicare(federal/state medical programs) problem, and how to resolve it. As a pseudo-ex-retail pharmacy technician I see all kinds of abuse of the Medicaid system. Individuals who are able to work, but choose not to because they can get a free ride on the State is the easiest example. It is too easy to get bothered by these type of situations, but with God's grace I was soon able to look past it and get on with life while I was working with these people. I don't want to give the impression that every person that is on Medicare/Medicaid is abusing it either. Most individuals (95%) really need it.

It is funny how I can get off into the thinking about how other's need to be doing this or that. I know that everyone does it, but that doesn't really help me realize what I am doing is wrong. I find it especially easy to get into this line of thought and even speech at work. Much of this can be easily seen by these two paraphrases: 1) "Take the plank out of your own eye before you attempt removing the splinter out of your neighbor's." 2) "Don't judge a man until you have walked in his shoes for a day."

So anyway, back to the Spirit of Wrath. I asked God in my prayer time today to cast this spirit back to hell and it is gone. Afterwards opened up the bible to psalm 103 and read versus 1-5. I think it meshes well with what I need to do after refocusing back to God and what he wants from me.

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