Monday, February 19, 2007

I had a hard time sleeping last night. I fell asleep for an hour or so but had a dream about what it means to be a man. I know how my mind got on that subject, I just don't know why I couldn't get it off my mind. Chris and I were talking about what it means to be a man, in specific earning one's keep. Also, finding purpose in life. I finally gave up fighting the thoughts so I mentally compiled a list.

1. A man defends those weaker than them.
2. A man set a good example for those younger than them.
3. A man respects women at all times.
4. A man makes sacrifices for his family.
5. A man leads his family in the right direction.
6. A man works for his keep. He finds purpose for his life.
7. A man seeks wisdom from his elders.
8. A man looks people in the eye when he is talking to them.
9. A man uses self control when making decisions.
10. A man knows his limits. He respects his limits, by admitting them.
11. A man apologizes when he wrongs another. He admits when he is wrong.
12. A man shows courage under adversity.

I am sure I could think of more. Anyone have anything to add?


Buddhist, RN said...

I think it's an excellent list. I can't think of anything to add. Every time I thought of something, I saw that it was already on the list. Sometimes I wish there were more people that lived that way.

Justin said...

13. A man blogs at least once every day.

Bom Bom said...


It would be great if everyone could live this way as well. But we all fail. The important thing is not giving up trying to live right. I have talked to many people who just stop trying to do what is right because they know they will never be able to acheive perfection.


I will take it under consideration.

Anonymous said...

Several of us in the community have gone through this exercise of defining not only what it means to be a man of God, but being specific on how to go about doing this on a daily basis (in our faith, as husbands, fathers, sons, etc...). I'd be happy to share with you if you'd like. God Bless!

Bom Bom said...

I would like that Chris. Share on Brother!

Buddhist, RN said...

I know no one's perfect. I just happen to know a lot of people to whom that list would be foreign, which is why it was so uplifting to me to read that you and others are talking about it.

Anonymous said...

Have you guys had any more discussions along this line (what it means to be a man)?